A long while has gone by without any new posts. I originally also wanted to continue a stable blog of everything interesting I discover regarding the 3 topics important to me, but pauses were known to happen sooner or later :).
Probably one of the big reasons why the pause was so long, is that I finally changed to being a professional programmer. After thinking about it for ~10 years. I have programmed as a hobby for quite seldom during all my life and within the last 5 years, more and more frequently.
I am a javascript programmer, naturally. But most of my time nowadays goes to my family. Having a more stressful work and family life (as everybody who has a family, knows how much it causes stress), there is little energy left at the end of the day.
But I still have a big goal / dream to get my HTML5 game completed in the future. I had actually made the prototype quite far before, but then as I'm a perfectionist who wants to learn new things and as the project changed to something more simpler, I decided to start over with ES6.
I originally had a grand strategy game in development. Which can still be found here:
http://postapo.level7.fi/ (the game prototype should be working, but as it can be accidentally shut down on the development server, don't be surprised if the prototype doesn't show anything). This project, however, was way too ambitious. I have always read from experienced game developers, that you should start small and later on think something bigger. Even though I did know this, I still went too big.
The new project is partially seen in these tests:
and in github:
https://github.com/Hachitus/warmapengine ,
but after I get the engine to a stage I am fairly content with (as the basic functionality) I will move it to another repository, with another name. The idea for this project is to make an open source engine for making 2D strategy-games. The map should be flexible enough to be used in real-time and turn-based games with different tilesets, but the game I have in mind is hexagon and turn-based strategy game. So this also will reflect on the design choices when developing the game.
Also the plan is to make the engine first and then develop a simple game on top of it. As that is done I will think if I still want to make some more extensive game or not. But important goal is to finish the game engine and maybe someone else will also find it useful. My hope would be to make the HTML5 strategy games more prominent option, than they are presently. Unfortunately.
The timetable for the game will be very flexible as a family man my time is limited. But I have definitely decided to follow this path till the end.
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